Friday, February 25, 2011

My Diet for the Past few Days!!!

These food items have been my friends these past few days as I have been recovering from a very bad case of bronchitis. I started having this infection along with a bad fever on Sunday night and finally it got bad enough for me to go to the doctor!!! For those of you who know me well, y'all know that it had to be pretty nasty for me to go to the doctor for ant-biotics once I realized that my body was not doing very well with the infection. After five days of a high fever, the fever finally broke early last evening which I am very thankful for. I usually do not get such infections and I hope that I do not get something like this again. It has been a challenge for me to be in bed quite a bit and rest....I do NOT like to rest but to keep busy!! However, the Lord taught me during this time just to "Be still and know that I am God!" (Ps. 46:10) He taught me some valuable lessons through this unpleasant illness and I am thankful for His goodness to and incredible love for me. I am also thankful for my wonderful wife who nursed me through this illness and who put up with my stubborness.:-) So, in case some of you were wondering why we have not been posting...well, you just figured it out. Hopefully, we will continue to post regularly!

Thank you for those who prayed for me!
Pastor Erik:-)
Ps. 73:28

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